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First of all a huge thank you to every single one of you that dropped into our ME speaker series at the shop last Friday with Lala, Linda & Melody. You guys packed us out, it was so amazing and inspiring to see all of your beautiful faces. In case you weren't able to make it no worries were back this week to hit you with another one. We have a special ME speaker series featuring guests Pricilla Ocen who is an Associate Professor of Law at Loyola Law School and Shana L. Redmond who is the author of Anthem: Social Movements and the sound of Solidarity. If you're going to be in the LA area we would love to see you.
Make sure to rsvp at:
Please feel free to invite your friends, see you tonight!!!
Priscilla Ocen is an Associate Professor of Law at Loyola Law School, where she teaches criminal law, family law and a seminar on race, gender and the law. Her work examines the relationship between race and gender identities and punishment. In particular, Ocen’s work draws attention to the ways in which criminalization and incarceration are used to police the reproductive choices of poor women of color. Ocen was recently appointed to serve as a member of the newly established Los Angeles Sheriff’s Oversight Commission. She is also active in the community as she serves as a member of the board of directors for the Equal Justice Society, an organization dedicated to transforming the nation’s consciousness on race through law, social science and the arts.
Shana L. Redmond is the author of Anthem: Social Movements and the Sound of Solidarity (2014) an interdisciplinary cultural history that tracks the songs that organized the Black world in the twentieth century, thereby producing a robust recording of Black political and performance traditions. She's an Associate Professor of Musicology and African American Studies at UCLA and is broadly interested in music and social movements, race, diaspora, and radicalisms. Redmond has also co-produced two academic mixtapes: “Anthem: The Mixtape” (2014) and “Pleasure/Liberation: A Mixtape Experience” (2016). She is currently chasing Paul Robeson in various forms, from vibration to landscape.
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